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3 Signs of Tooth Infections You Need to Watch Out For

Aug 20, 2022
3 Signs of Tooth Infections You Need to Watch Out For

Infections can be a problem, no matter where they are. True, some get resolved on their own. Others require the help of a medical professional. When it comes to your teeth, it’s important to watch out for signs that they’ve become infected so you can get the treatment you need and prevent the infection from worsening and doing more damage. 

Sensitivity or Pain

There are lots of reasons why you might experience tooth sensitivity. It’s not a guaranteed sign that your tooth is infected, but it is one symptom you could experience. A dull ache or sharp pain that persists after you’ve finished eating or drinking (especially hot or cold things) could be a sign of infection. If the sensitivity deepens into a persistent pain in your jaw, face, or teeth, it’s important to make an appointment with your dentist so they can determine if the pain is due to an infection and rectify it as soon as possible.

Gum Discoloration or Boils

Healthy gum tissue is normally a pink color. If you notice that your gums have become discolored and have darkened, it’s likely due to decay. Similarly, if you notice small boils that look like little pimples on your gums, you need to make an appointment with your dentist. These boils may ooze pus that causes an unpleasant taste in your mouth and unusually bad breath. It could be a sign of infection and should be investigated by your dentist in short order.

Tooth Discoloration or Mobility

Teeth can become discolored for multiple reasons. Tooth infection is one possible reason. Infection can prevent your tooth from receiving an adequate blood supply, causing it to turn grey or black. A funny-colored tooth isn’t the only thing you need to be concerned about though. As dental pulp decays, it emits an acidic substance that can lead to bone loss and nerve damage. This can cause the tooth to become loose in its socket. If you have a tooth that moves around or looks grey or black, it could be because of an infection. Make an appointment with your dentist right away so they can address the problem before it worsens.

Your teeth have many important functions. They help you chew your food thoroughly, allowing you to digest it more easily. They also help you speak clearly and provide structure for your face. Given how important they are, it makes sense to take care of them and prevent them from becoming damaged due to infection. See your dentist as soon as possible if you notice yourself suffering any signs of tooth infection.

Root canals are often used to treat tooth infections. Learn more about getting a root canal from South Temple Dental here .

Power of Your Smile
12 May, 2024
A smile is a universal gesture that transcends language and culture, capable of expressing a spectrum of emotions from joy and satisfaction to empathy and comfort. Beyond its communicative power, a smile carries the ability to transform one's self-perception and influence interactions with others. The link between the act of smiling and a person's confidence is profound, with cosmetic dentistry emerging as a pivotal player in enhancing this expressive feature. Not only does an attractive smile impact one's appearance, but it also bolsters mental well-being and confidence, carving out a better social and professional path for many. Understanding the psychology behind smiles and the benefits of smiling can unlock a new realm of self-assurance.
 Gum Contouring
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