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5 Tips for Whiter Teeth

Spencer Updike • Jul 23, 2015
5 Tips for Whiter Teeth

How to Get Whiter Teeth

One of the first things people notice about you are your teeth. Pearly white teeth give the impression that you are taking good care of yourself. If your teeth are not as white as they can be, do not fret. There are 5 tips you can follow for whiter teeth.

1. Change your diet.

The foods you consume have an effect on the whiteness of your teeth. Foods like red wine, sodas and artificially colored candies will stain your teeth. Before you eat any food, do a color check. If the food has a dark color, chances are it will stain your teeth.

2. Change your toothbrush.

The life of a used toothbrush is approximately two to three months. If you haven’t changed your toothbrush in a while, then you are not getting a proper cleaning. An old toothbrush loses its effectiveness and transfers bacteria from your mouth to the brush.

3. Eliminate tobacco products.

Smoking and chewing tobacco products will cause your teeth to stain and yellow. This activity is due to the chemicals that are contained in cigars, chewing tobacco and cigarettes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to combat the effects of tobacco usage with whitening toothpaste. Tobacco use must be eliminated in order to begin the process of restoring the color of your teeth.

4. Visit the dentist regularly.

Proper cleanings enable your teeth to stay white and plaque-free. Your dentist has special equipment that will give your gums and teeth a deep cleaning. It is important to visit the dentist at least two times per year.

5. Apply a teeth-whitening kit.

There are a variety of teeth whitening kits and strips that will whiten your teeth. If your teeth are severely stained, you might not be able to see a huge difference with store-bought kits. For a more professional whitening service, go to your dentist. They have teeth whitening systems that will brighten your teeth better than an over-the-counter kit. Visiting a dentist for a whitening service is a good idea especially if you have sensitive teeth.

It is not difficult to restore your teeth to their original whiteness. However, it does take time. With effort and dedication, you can enjoy a bright smile.

The post 5 Tips for Whiter Teeth appeared first on South Temple Dental.

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