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How to Help Build Enamel On Your Teeth

Spencer Updike • Jan 26, 2016
How to Help Build Enamel On Your Teeth

Building Enamel On Your Teeth

Enamel is an important part of teeth that helps to prevent tooth decay by protecting it from bacteria and plaque that develops in the mouth. Enamel is considered to be the hardest substance in the human body and is 96 percent mineral. It also helps to prevent the teeth from damage that can occur due to contact with chemicals and extreme temperatures. Although the enamel can wear over time, there are a few steps to take to rebuild it for complete restoration.

Increase Moisture in the Mouth

It can be extremely challenging for the enamel on teeth to rebuild due to a lack of saliva or moisture that is present. Saliva helps to wash acids and bacterias off of the teeth, making it important to have plenty of moisture. Drink more water and chew sugar free gum that contains Xylitol, which works to stimulate saliva production. You can also perform oil pulling, which eliminates toxic dental bacterial that is present while stimulating the salivary glands in the mouth.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Many people are unaware that their diet has a direct impact on the enamel and how quickly it is restored. To allow it to rebuild, it’s important to avoid consuming acidic foods that include tomatoes, citrus fruit, and food items that contain vinegar. It’s also important to avoid drinking soda, which contain high levels of citric acid. Other harmful foods to cut out of the diet include coffee, alcohol, tobacco, pasteurized milk, and processed foods.

It’s also important to increase your intake of vitamin K2, which promotes bone growth and will increase the remineralization process. Consuming bone broth, strawberries, and natural sea salt, which can also help to strengthen the teeth and promote the regrowth of enamel. Vitamin D is another important factor in regrowing enamel, which can be consumed through natural foods or taken as a supplement each day.

Use a Soft Bristled Toothbrush

It can be easy to assume that brushing hard on the teeth can make teeth clearer. Although it may remove plaque more thoroughly, it can also prevent the enamel from rebuilding over time. Use a soft bristled toothbrush to prevent the enamel from breaking down as it regenerates.

Brush with Fluoride Toothpaste

Brushing with toothpaste that contains fluoride will help the teeth become more resistant to acid with the supervision of a dental professional. Too much fluoride is known to cause enamel fluorosis and can be harmful on the teeth. You ca] also gargle with a mouthwash that contains fluoride each day to help restore the enamel that is already present.

It’s important to avoid using mouthwashes and toothpaste that contain alcohol, which can stain the enamel and reduce its durability as it’s in the process of rebuilding. Contact your local dentist for more information about proper oral care.

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