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How To Prevent Receding Gums

Spencer Updike • Dec 20, 2016
How To Prevent Receding Gums

Keep Those Gums in Place: Tips to Prevent Receding Gums

Gum recession is a common problem among people. This particular issue seems to affect adults over 40 the most, but everyone is in danger. There are many signs of receding gums, like bleeding gums (after brushing your teeth) or swollen gums. Other people may have bad breath or start to notice a shrinking gum line. The problem could get worse if the issue is left untreated, as it can lead to total tooth loss, since the gums keep teeth in place. There are a few tips that should help prevent gum recession.

How to Prevent Gum Recession

Preventing this condition is possible with a few dental care adjustments like the following:

Proper Toothbrushing Technique

When it comes to gum recession prevention, you will need the right knowledge. You might have heard of brushing correctly to prevent this ailment, but you might not know what that means. Well, it starts with making sure that the bristles on your toothbrush bend slightly when you brush. The brush should be at a 45 degree angle.

Do not allow bristles to stick out, as they might hurt your gums. Be sure to always brush away from the gum line.

Dealing With Bruxism

Gum recession prevention could boil down to dealing with bruxism or teeth grinding. Teeth grinding puts excess stress on your gums, which could lead to recession. This issue is hard to pinpoint since it is involuntarily, and it usually occurs at night. A loved one might tell you that you have it, or you might notice signs like the following:

  • Jaw pain in the morning
  • Unexplained headaches in the morning
  • Damaged teeth caps or crowns

You need to talk to your dentist if you suspect that you have bruxism, and he or she should give you some mouthguards.

Prevent Dental Ailments That Lead to Gum Recession

There are a number of dental ailments that could lead to receding gums, and you should do your best to prevent those problems.

  • Prevent plaque or tartar buildup, which are beds of bacteria that irritate the gums and could lead to recession among other things.
  • Gingivitis or gum disease can cause recession.
  • Cavities will not only dig into the roots but also irritate the gums.

These are just some of the issues related to receding gums, but there are others. You can talk to your dentist if you have other questions.

Do not Smoke

There are several studies linking smoking to receding gums. Apparently, the smoke irritates the gums and dries the mouth out. A dry mouth is the perfect environment for harmful bacteria as they can grow and multiply. Studies have also linked the development of gum disease to smoking, which is just one more reason to avoid smoking. You already know that an overgrowth of bacteria can lead to plaque or gingivitis, among other ailments.

These tips should help steer you in the right direction and keep you from dealing with the recession of your gums.


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