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How to Tell If Your Filling Needs to Be Replaced

Aug 30, 2022
How to Tell If Your Filling Needs to Be Replaced

Fillings are commonly used to treat cavities and restore the integrity of a damaged tooth. While they are intended to be durable and preserve the strength of the tooth, fillings don’t last forever. You’ll need to have them replaced eventually. So how can you tell if your filling needs to be replaced?

Pain or Discomfort

It’s normal for you to experience some discomfort after getting a tooth filled. It shouldn’t last longer than four weeks at most, though, and it should be getting better the longer you’ve had the filling. You shouldn’t experience pain when biting down. If you do, it could be because your filling is too high. It could also be because you clench or grind your teeth, resulting in wear and tear on the filling. If it causes the filling to move, chip, or crack, it will need to be replaced.


If a filling becomes damaged, it will need to be replaced. Cracks and chips in the filling are openings that allow bacteria to invade and increase the risk of suffering tooth decay. They may be so small that you don’t notice them at first, but you are sure to notice the pain and discomfort brought on by tooth decay. It’s also hard to miss if the filling becomes damaged to the point that some or all of it falls out of the tooth. This tends to be more common with larger fillings. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can to get the tooth cleaned out and the filling replaced to prevent the risk of further decay.


South Temple Dental uses resin fillings. These fillings are customized to match the shade of your tooth. You may notice over time that the color of your natural tooth is no longer the same as the color of your filling. Foods and drinks can stain both the tooth and the filling, though the discoloration isn’t always the same across both. While that isn’t necessarily a dental emergency, cosmetic concerns are still a valid reason to have your filling replaced.

A filling is meant to protect your tooth from suffering further damage. It can only do that effectively if it’s in good condition though. Pay attention to how your filling looks and feels. This will help you know if it needs to be replaced by your dentist. Remember to attend your regular dental appointments as well, as this is the perfect chance for your dentist to take a good close look at your filling and make sure it’s still in good condition and can continue to protect your tooth.

We use resin fillings at South Temple Dental to preserve the beauty of your teeth. Click here to learn more about getting fillings done with us today!

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