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Common Misconceptions about Fillings Explained

Sep 07, 2022
Common Misconceptions about Fillings Explained

Has a dentist told you recently that you have a cavity that needs filling? If you have kids, maybe one of them needs a filling. If you’ve never had a filling before, it’s normal to be a little apprehensive about it. After all, there are a few misconceptions surrounding fillings that could leave you feeling a bit uneasy. 

Getting a Filling Hurts

The biggest concern for many people is that getting a filling might be painful. It’s true that getting a filling was an unpleasant and often painful experience a few decades ago. Fortunately, dentistry has come a long way since then. There are many pain management techniques, from local anesthesia and nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas), to dental hypnosis and talk therapy. Dental technology has advanced as well, allowing dentists to use more fine-tuned instruments to clean out decay.

Fillings Last Forever

Fillings are made to last for a long time. That doesn’t mean that they last forever, though. Different types of fillings last for different amounts of time, thanks to differing levels of durability. Of course, how well you take care of your filling impacts how long it lasts too. Be careful about what you eat and how you eat it to avoid damaging the filling. Practice good oral hygiene. Just because you have a filling doesn’t mean that the tooth can’t become decayed again.

I Don’t Need a Filling If My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt

Cavities can certainly be painful; nevertheless, some people don’t feel any pain. But, just because your tooth doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean that you don’t have a cavity. An absence of pain simply means that the decay hasn’t progressed far enough to irritate the nerve. This is why it’s so important to have regular dental checkups. Those checkups allow the dentist to keep an eye on your teeth and catch cavities before they become too severe and require more intensive treatment, such as a root canal.

Ideally, no one would ever need a filling because everyone would have healthy teeth that are free of decay. Unfortunately, that isn’t how things go. The good news is that getting a cavity filled can protect the rest of the tooth, preserving its health and strengthening it. If you need a filling, don’t delay. The best thing you can do is get treatment as soon as possible.

Are you or someone in your family in need of a filling? Click here to contact South Temple Dental today and get your appointment set up!

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