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Tips for Caring for Professionally Whitened Teeth

Aug 10, 2022
Tips for Caring for Professionally Whitened Teeth

There’s no denying that white teeth are more beautiful than duller, more yellowed teeth. This is a huge motivator behind the decision to have teeth professionally whitened. The thing is, your work isn’t done once the dentist has whitened them. You’ll need to take proper care of them if you want to maintain your results.

Address Sensitivity

It’s fairly common for people who get their teeth professionally whitened to experience some degree of sensitivity after the procedure. You should feel the sensitivity decrease and, ultimately, go away after a few days. In the meantime, try to avoid foods and drinks that trigger the sensitivity. You may find that toothpaste for sensitive teeth helps alleviate some of your discomforts as well.

Protect Against Future Stains

Tooth whitening can be great for removing stains, but it’s not going to do anything about preventing them in the future. That is entirely up to you. Take steps to protect your teeth against future stains by avoiding foods and beverages that are known to stain teeth, especially for the first 48 hours after your appointment. Opt for lightly colored fruits and vegetables, as well as foods and drinks with high calcium content. As always, thoroughly and regularly brush and floss your teeth to remove food particles and prevent staining. Remember to see your dentist every six months for regular exams and cleanings too, since that will also reduce your risk of future stains.

Get Touch-Up Treatments as Needed

If you notice that your teeth are picking up new stains, you may need to come back for a touch-up whitening treatment. This is a good way to make sure your teeth stay white in the long run, rather than for just a few months. Getting a touch-up whitening treatment once or twice a year should be enough to do the trick. Remember, the better you are at protecting your teeth against future stains, the fewer touch-up treatments you’ll need, and the less often you’ll need them.

No one wants to shell out the money for any sort of treatment only to have it undone later. By taking the right steps to care for your professionally whitened teeth, you can enjoy their beauty for far longer and may need fewer such treatments in the future. That said, don’t hesitate to come in for touch-up treatments as needed. We’re here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Do you need professional teeth whitening? Click here to contact South Temple Dental and get your appointment set up today!

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